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Insects for the planet

Benefits for our planet

We can no longerignore that our planet faces several challenges. Increased carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to global warming, food supply for a growing population, water shortages and reduced natural habitats threaten both humans, animals and the biological diversity of our planet. Luckily insects are a solution to the global environmental crisis!


Production of protein from traditional sources such as beef, chicken and pork accounts for extemly large carbon dioxide emissions. The research is clear;  did you know that our pets account for approximately 25% of meat consumption? A new study from Finland also states that replacing traditional protein sources with insects can reduce our environmental impact by 80%!


Large areas of land are required to raise livestock and meat-producing animals. More than 80% of today's agricultural land is currently used for meat and dairy production. Increased growth of humans and our animals threatens important ecosystems on both land and water. Did you know that out of all the mammals in the world, wild animals today account for only 4%, and much of this is due to the fact that their natural habitats no longer exist? 

20 tons of insects can be raised on the surface size of a tenis court. If we start to use our resources more wisely, we can spare more land for wilderness and vital ecosystems, better for our pets and our planet!


Large areas around the world are used to grow feed which in turn is used for livestock, which in turn is used for food... This is an unnecessary detour and a waste of precious resources.

By slowing meat and dairy production, agricultural land could be reduced by more than 75 percent, an area the size of Canada, the United States, and Australia combined - and still manage to feed the world's population.

Our insects live only on plant-based food scraps – our insect farmers collaborate with local companies and producers, and makes use of food waste. The crickets and larvae then efficiently convert the food waste and by-products into high-quality protien, making production circular and eco-friendly.


Another important factor for many consumers is animal welfare in the meat industry. From an ethical perspective, there are several aspects to take into account, but if we look at the pet food industry as a whole, the lower traceability makes it more difficult for the consumer to know how the animals lived and were raisd. Depending on wich country the meat comes from, there are different stanards for animal welfare and slaughter, and wether antibiotics or growth hormones were used. Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to our public health today.

During the breding of our insects, antibiotics or growth hormones are never used, becuse insects thrive and grow quickly all on their own. The insects are kept in a habitat that mimics their natural habitat, and when it is time to harvest the crickets and larvae, this is done by cooling them down so that they go into a natural dormancy and are not aware of any further steps taken.